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Addington Way Luton Bedfordshire LU4 9QQ Sales 08443 753 444 Spares: 08443 753 434 Technical: 08443 753 440
Electrolux catering Equipment
MODELS: 371002730533Air O SteamAOS061EBK2AOS201ECA2AOS202DITOMIX.5E7ECEH4R00E7INED200PE7INEDW00PECFE101-0ECOE202T2A1EFC/E102/1EOUUAEBONCAEUCAIWSGF3FCGSG580HSG1PHIC4 4832 FLFIM3316 Type 2LagoonMFR/G2D14N2675G217NHT8GOL2583RCDR3M30RE471FFGRE471FRGRTF/G2Skyline ProT5350TD6-30Therma LineTR260W4130HWH6-11WH6-20LACWH6-27LACWH6-6ZFS/G800
This Electrolux 10 x 1/1GN Convection Oven features an unique air flow system, which guarantees perfect distribution of heat through the oven cavity and a 5 stage humidification control to ensure perfect pastries & succulent roasts.
Comes Complete with easy to use controls, such as the cooking mode, oven temperature and a 120 minute timer.

£1695 +VAT

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