The Best Place To Buy And Sell Generators
Here are some of the questions we are asked most often, if there is something we haven't answered for you please get in contact and we will happily try and help.
Contact us on 01904 373402 or email
How much does it cost to advertise?
This all depends on how much you are asking for your items.
How do I place an advert?
Submit your advert through our online form or simply email us or write to us with your information and we will take it from there.
Click here for our online form
Click here for more information on how to advertise with us
Click here for help with writing your advert
How long does my advert run for?
The price of your advert is to list it until sold! We don't remove any adverts until you sell your goods or one month in the case of new items, however for legal reasons the advertising fee is for advertising your goods for one week.
Fair Use
In the unlikely event that your goods don't sell within a year we may ask you to reduce your price by 10% (which will refresh your advert back to the top of the site) to keep your advert on the site. This is to prevent expensive none selling items remaining on the site indefinitely.
Please contact us when you have sold your items so that we can keep the site as up to date as possible.
Click here to find out how to mark an advert as sold
How long will it take for my advert to appear on the site?
Once we have received your payment adverts are normally uploaded within 24 hours, however if an advert is placed on Friday afternoon it could be Monday afternoon before we upload the advert as we don't always work over the weekend. Everything on the site is done manually by humans so during busy periods we may not get back to you as quickly as normal, however, bear with us and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.
Which category will my advert go into?
We will put your advert into as many categories as we feel it fits. If there is a specific category or site you think it should go in, let us know and we will make it happen. However if you are selling a job lot of something it will only go into 1 or 2 categories. If you want your job lot to be spread across the site more you will have to split your items up into separate adverts.
How do I edit my advert / alter photos? How much does it cost?
At any time if you would like to alter any of your advert information, price or photos, simply contact us via email or give us a call quoting your adverts reference number and we will make the alterations for you. There is no extra charge for this.
Click here for more help on editing your advert
How will buyers contact me / what is the buying and selling process?
Each advert has individual contact details at the bottom of the advert provided by the seller for potential buyers to use to gain more information about the items and to arrange payments and collection/delivery. As buyer and seller you are making a binding contract between both of you. The buyer agrees to pay the agreed price and collect the goods in a timely manor. And the seller is responsible to describe the goods accurately. If you are buying off a trader you will have some rights of return and or warranty. This should be agreed on before payment. As such, we the web site don't accept any liability for anything bought from our web site. Buying and selling is strictly between the buyer and seller, however we are happy to offer advice throughout this process.
I've sold my items, how do I mark my ad as sold?
When you have successfully sold your items or you come across something that is no longer available you can either click on the 'Report item as sold' button that appears on each advert or you can contact us directly quoting the reference number on the advert and we will update the site for you.
Click here for more info on sold items
I can’t find my advert!
Contact us and provide some information about your advert and your contact details and we can track it down and see what has happened. Chances are it is somewhere on the site just underneath a few adverts as our site can move quicker than expected. Or it’s not in a category that you thought it might be.
When I search for relevant words my advert isn't coming up!
If you are advertising a coffee machine and want your advert to appear in a search when someone types in things like: espresso, coffee machine, hot drinks, beverage, etc, then you need to include these words in your advert text. If you don't our system can't pick them up to display your advert when people are searching.
How do I re-list my advert / move it back to the top of the site?
For this we have 2 options:
- If you reduce your asking price by 10% or more we will move the advert back up to the top of the site for FREE
- If you don’t want to reduce your price you can pay £5 + VAT and we will re-list your item keeping the price the same (a maximum of 2 re-lists per advert)
I’ve seen something I like but can’t find the contact details / contact the seller!
Click on the ‘view listing’ button and the contact details should appear at the bottom of the advert. If for some reason they aren't there or you have been unable to contact the seller, let us know and we will do what we can to help put you in touch with the seller.
Click here for more info on contacting sellers
Why is an advert still saying it is available still when I have contacted the seller and they have told me it is sold?
This is simply because we haven’t been told that the item has been sold. It’s as frustrating for us as it is for you. We are regularly going through the site prompting people to inform us of their sales so we can keep the site as up to date as possible, however if you do come across this problem, we would very much appreciate it if you could let us know to try and prevent it happening to other users of the site.