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Roder Marquees from First Choice

6m x 18m Aluminium Framed Marquee - Bristol


Marquee 6m x 18m
White PVC roof and walls
2.3m Eaves height

Also available

6m x 18m Sub floor £3500

3m Aluminium/glazed double door, door ramp. £1900

Click here for more products from Sunrise Marquees - Gloucestershire

Delivery notes

Located 3 - 4 Arden Holdings, Jasmine Lane, Bristol BS49 4PY
Payment on collection

Please don't hesitate to contact us should you require any further assistance, quotations or additional information. We will be more than happy to help.

Contact notes

WhatsApp 07762124097
Mob: 07762124097

Price: £8900 +VAT
Ref#: 4D6A8ACE9156

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